ABB Drives US
ABB is an innovative company that can evaluate the motors and drives being used by their customers and offer solutions to improve the efficiency, productivity, and quality of their operations while minimizing the environmental impact the operations have. They are a global leader in power & automation technologies.
The Challenge
ABB was looking to add a strong digital presence to help maintain their goal of being “the approachable experts.”
The Process
Working closely with ABB leadership, we worked to create an analytics-driven approach to building their brand awareness online. To achieve this goal we focused on using Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, blogging, and paid media.
The Outcome
We created an online persona that encourages engagement and connection with their consumers through targeted social posting. ABB saw an increase in Instagram engagement with over 630 engagements in one year, a 500% increase in Facebook likes, and doubled their impressions on Twitter.
To learn more about how the team at Keystone Click can help improve your online presence, check out our Services page, or visit the Resource center for ideas on how you can use digital marketing to meet your business growth goals.