Convergent Solutions
The Challenge
Convergent Solutions was put in a tough spot when their website was hacked. The hack left them with no content, as they lost all the information that populated their former website.
To make the best out of the situation, Convergent Solutions decided to engage us to develop an updated and professional site that told their story, generated traffic, and conveyed their brand and values in a compelling manner.
The Process
Since Convergent Solutions lost all of the content from their previous website after being hacked, extra emphasis was put on spending time to learn learning about their business, how they wanted to convey their message, and crafting that message to appeal to customers.
In order to ensure that Convergent’s new site would generate traffic, we utilized SEO research to identify keywords that would drive traffic to their site.
The Outcome
After months of not having a functional website, Convergent Solutions were finally rewarded with a professional and original website that focused on highlighting their brand story and their expertise.
Convergent’s new website is easy for visitors to navigate, and showcases their value propositions in a way that customers could easily see the benefit of working with them.
As an added benefit, Convergent has experienced a significant increase in high-quality leads, as their website traffic is at an all-time high.
To learn more about how the team at Keystone Click can help improve your online presence, check out our Services page, or visit the Resource center for ideas on how you can use digital marketing to meet your business growth goals.