Author: Lori Highby

Join your hosts Matt, Anna, Min, and newcomer Rai this week as they discuss user-generated marketing campaigns, advertising on Snapchat, and the downside of Google Amp. Tune in every Monday for the latest in technology, marketing, and design right here on The Digital Natives Cast!

Optimizing Snapchat Ads [4:50]
User Generated Campaigns [17:00]
Problems with Google Amp [21:45]


Optimizing Snapchat Ads

Snapchat’s advertising potential is skyrocketing as the platform and its user base continues to grow. Anna discusses how geofilters, sponsored filters, and sponsored stories are helping lead to a projected $770 million in ad revenue for the app in 2017.

“[Snapchat’s] audience is at 150 million daily users now which is comparable to other platforms we were talking about” -Anna
“I hate when people threaten their existence. Nobody’s going to stop using Snapchat. Who wants to see their streaks die!” -Anna
 “Geofilters are typically seen by about 40%-60% of Snapchat’s daily audience and their ads have been producing 1.6 times greater favorability than other platforms” -Anna
“If your users are following you then they’re going to want to go out of their way to create something cool to potentially get on the website which creates brand loyalty and customer loyalty.” -Anna
“The best way to optimize your advertisement is to provide incentives and also interaction for your users.” -Anna
“People’s engagement rates are so much higher on Snapchat and the conversion rates on them are just through the roof.” -Matt


User Generated Campaigns

What do shows like The Bachelor and a hotel chain have in common? User generated ad campaigns! Matt leads the discussion on UGCs and how they lead to greater engagement with their followers.

“They’re not super common but the ones that you see are always really successful.” -Matt
“It’s really to promote an experience and to promote a brand.” -Matt
“On TV shows, I’ve seen that, where they post a hashtag on the lower corner and then on the live after show the incentive is to have your tweet show up on that.” -Anna
“The photos they were getting were beautiful, people know how to take good photos for the most part.” -Matt
“Most of those contests have terms of service that say they have full rights to your photo afterward.” -Matt


Problems with Google AMP

After previous discussion on the benefits of Google AMP, Min gives us some insight about some less-than user friendly functions and downright annoying features of this format such as changes in scrolling speed and users’ difficulty with sharing articles.

“There are some issues now with Google AMP. I’ve run into three articles in the past week with negative info.” -Min
“Within the last week, Facebook Instant Articles released that they’re supporting Google AMP as well.” -Min
“They changed the scrolling speed on iOS devices and it’s driving Apple users crazy!.” -Min
 “if you go to Google and type in ‘Google AMP’ the suggested searches are ‘Google AMP annoying,’ ‘Google AMP sucks,’ ‘Google AMP turn off,’ and ‘Google AMP disable’.” -Min
“I saw that a lot of designers have major gripes with AMP because you get rid of all the design and branding pretty much.” -Matt


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