Google Non-Profits; A Step in the Right Direction

Author: Lori Highby

Updated: October 11, 2023

Published: June 1, 2011

For starters let us say thank you if you are a non-profit reading this blog, thank you for dedicating your time and resources to something bigger than yourself, for being a role model and for your passion to help this world. What you do is simply admirable and Google, as well as Keystone Click, want to recognize that.

Google has recently been promoting its Google-Non-Profit sector. With Google Non Profit, those who qualify can get a number of perks and privileges that regular organizations and companies are not privy to. First step, have a 501(c)(3) status. Once you have that, in Google’s eyes, you’ve got the golden ticket.

So what does Google have to offer you, a non-profit? Let’s see…

When you apply and receive a Google Grant, AdWords is free. This means that when users search a phrase relevant to your organization, if the keywords match, your website will show up in the sponsored links section, increasing visibility and interest. Other Google Applications that are free as a perk of being a Google Non-Profit are Google Earth Pro, Sketchup Pro and Google Maps. Lowering the cost of IT maintenance can prove to have a large impact on the functionality of your Non-Profit. If your organization has fewer than 3,000 users then all of Google Apps is free of charge, if you have over 3,000 users you can still receive a 40% discount on Google Apps.

There is also YouTube for non-profits if you’re inclined to show your story as well as tell it. As a non-profit you are entitled to increased uploading capabilities as well as calls-to-action over your videos. This allows you to have a click-able “Donate” button right on the video display so donations are easier and more convenient for your users.

Of course, Google also offers you free online media training for any questions.

In one Case Study, within 7 years of using Google Non-Profits they received 4.7 Million site views and raised 2.6 million dollars. Another organization did not have enough money for developers and Google Apps solved that problem by saving the organization tens of thousands of dollars.

Another benefit of Google is Google Checkout, it easily allows for donations to be processed with a few simple clicks of a mouse on whatever pages of your website you choose to enable donations.

However, the main thing that Google gives is hope. Your Non-Profit believes in hope for the future and for your cause and Google wants to keep that hope alive. See more at Google Non-Profits.