Google Places and Google Boost

Author: Lori Highby

Updated: October 11, 2023

Published: April 19, 2011

When conducting a search on Google, often results with addresses or a map are displayed, such as this result for Pizza Shuttle, a popular pizza restaurant in Milwaukee.

Have you ever wondered how to get your business listed within Google’s results such as what you see here?

It’s simple! Follow these steps and you will have your own Google Place page.


2) Click, Get Started

3) Follow the prompts on the screen to complete your listing.

4) Upon completing your listing, Google will mail you a postcard with a verification code. You must return to your Google Places page and enter in the verification code before your listing is live on Google.

This services is another free resource that Google offers. Utilize the features within the listing including the image upload, website link (helps with SEO), detailed description of your business, offer coupons, address, service/product offering. Encourage your customers to rate your listing on Google Places.


Google Boost is an opportunity to enhance the Google Place listing, similar to that of Google Adwords. The listing is displayed on Google Maps and on some mobile devices. Google has a great video with a quick overview of the benefits of Google Boost.

If you have more questions about what we do, send us an email!