How You Could Be Overlooking Marketing Opportunity

Author: Lori Highby

Updated: April 4, 2024

Published: May 6, 2016

When it comes to marketing, some view the task as temporary when it comes to our relationships with consumers. Instead of cutting your time together short by accepting a one-and-done mindset, make consumers feel like you value their presence in your market and would like to see more of it.

If your goal is to create more purchases through your newly developed ad campaigns, don’t sell yourself short by eliminating the opportunity for more growth with those customers. Here are 4 ways you can avoid overlooking marketing opportunities by changing the way in which you view your marketing strategies:

Become Selfless

When it comes to the needs of our consumers and the needs for our marketing execution, we often try to morph the two together to result in an outcome that benefits our business. In today’s world, convenience is the key to any consumer foundation. If you can conjure up a way to continue providing consumers with what they’re searching for, you’re on the fast track to establishing a lifelong customer. Once we convince ourselves that we’ve done our job, we often begin to back off. In the world of marketing, you’re missing out if you deem one step in the right direction to be the final stride. Instead of deeming your need to be met with a single transaction, consider the customer and what their needs may be and how you can continue to provide for them even after you reach your first positive outcome.

Join the Conversation

As social media engagement becomes increasingly popular, so should your presence within those platforms. As soon as you begin to see talk of the market you fall into, you’ll find it beneficial to take part in the conversation to engage with existing and potential consumers. While social media strategy differs across a single market, customers appreciate recognition for their praises and/or complaints. Make a point to reach out when applicable and necessary, and you’ll gain the respect of your following as well as new prospects.

Jungle →Streets

Guerrilla marketing is typically seen as an old-school way of spreading the word about your promotion through free tactics. This could be chalking a message, handing out stickers, hosting a giveaway, etc. Essentially, this method entails anything that could catch the eye or spark the interest of a consumer without cashing in the big bucks. As such an inexpensive way to get the word out, people often overlook the opportunity that comes with spreading the word via the streets. Don’t be that person.

Hello, I’m a Sponsor

The thought of sponsoring other companies sometimes gives off the worry that you’re paying for your competitor’s successes. False. Sponsoring other brands and industries creates a mutual association between another brand or business and yourself. This allows for a positive reputation for your business by becoming more familiar with your name and brand through assimilation. You can also take this opportunity to make consumers aware of the brands and causes you support. If you’re always sponsoring nonprofits or environmentally friendly causes, people will begin to associate you with your passion for philanthropy and going green! On the other hand, be wary that you’re not always supporting reckless brands unless that’s what you want to be associated with.

No matter what route you decide to try for your next marketing strategy, be it all 4, you’re showing your consumers that you’re willing to go above and beyond traditional methods. This is what will ultimately catch the eye of potential customers as unconventional ways take their place amongst some of the most successful tactics in today’s markets.

How You Could Be Overlooking Marketing Opportunity