Marketing your business: content strategy and execution
We’ve all heard it, content is king. It’s true, content is king! Quality content can help make your business succeed. Let’s think of it in terms of a restaurant. When a restaurant has bad food — aka content —do you go back begging for more? No, you head back to the restaurant that has the best food. Of course there are other factors, such as price, value, service etc.
The point is that content will make or break your company. Your marketing strategy is not far away from your local restaurant that may or may not have good food. On March 28, 2013 Keystone Click is teaming up with Affinity Marketing and Salesto present a day filled with marketing strategy, called the Marketing Summit. We would love for you to join us!
In addition to the hosts, there is a panel of business owners who have used marketing strategy to promote their business —with success! The main presenters are Mike Quill of Affinity Marketing and Sales, and Lori Highby of Keystone Click. They will discuss the following:
Getting ranked on the first page of Google
Pinpointing the most marketable assets of your company
Identifying your target market
Creating customer-focused content
So what are you waiting for? Oh yeah, we forgot to mention that Keystone Click and Affinity Marketing and Sales is offering a FREE website analysis, valued at $800 —sign up now!