Pay-it-Forward. Linking is key for online success.

Author: Lori Highby

Updated: October 11, 2023

Published: October 10, 2008

In today’s challenging times it is hard to keep a positive attitude on the growth of your business. However, try to think outside the box and move some of your focus on how you can help others succeed. We believe strongly in the “Pay-It-Forward” mentality. The term was widely popularized by the book, followed by the movie, “Pay It Forward” in 2000.

A quick summary about the book and movie:

A school social studies assignment leads to social changes that spread from city-to-city. Assigned to come up with some idea that will improve mankind, a young boy decides that if he can do three good deeds for someone and they in turn can “pay it forward” and so forth, positive changes can occur. What appears to initially be a failure, is indeed a success that is not immediately known but is traced backwards by a reporter who is a benefactor. A deeper summary of the movie can be found at Take this thinking and apply it to the web.

A simple and easy way to Pay-It-Forward online is to add links to your website for other companies. Linking boosts search engine rankings both for your site and the site you are linking too.

Useful tips for your Pay-It-Forward linking campaign:

• Link to sites and companies that you believe in and want to see succeed

• Linking to quality sites is more important than the quantity of sites.

• Use keywords in the link that will help the other site succeed in their SEO rankings.

Here are some Informational and inspiring sites about Pay-It-Forward:

We can help you link!

Pay-it-Forward. Linking is key for online success.