The Most Memorable Super Bowl 48 Commercials
Updated: October 11, 2023
Published: February 20, 2014
The Broncos may not have shown up for the game (too soon?) but the commercials sure did. Spending $4 million a pop, some wasted their 30 seconds while others ran with it.
Let’s talk about the most memorable Super Bowl 48 commercials. Contact Keystone Click to learn how you can improve your digital marketing strategy.
This was an office favorite. Both Paul and Lori named this their number one commercial. Stephen Colbert’s undeniable wit + an eagle = huge success. Pistachio was definitely a winner this year. The two part commercial did a fantastic job with timing, content, and the element of surprise. Who knew something like a nut could steal the show?
Min, our web designer, enjoyed the Kia commercial. While we can all agree that Laurence Fishburne wasn’t actually singing that lip quiver (1:18) made the commercial. And who doesn’t love a good Matrix reference?
At this point in the game I realized that I was in a bar primarily filled with women because the shrieks nearly broke the glass and the temperature of the room suddenly skyrocketed. While this was a shameless use of the undeniable sexuality of Mr. Beckham, it wasn’t terribly creative on H&Ms part, but that is to be expected from their brand. It was memorable, but not for the right reasons.
This was my favorite commercial of the bunch and also serves as a great PSA to NOT cross-breed Dobermans and Chihuahuas. I thought it was a clever way to communicate the point that not all compromise is good. It was also one of those commercials where you were guessing the entire time what exactly they were trying to sell.
Chobani vs. Dannon Oikos
It was a battle of the greek yogurts this year, and in my opinion there was an obvious winner. Perhaps I am biased because I was a huge fan of Full House but the provocative yet humorous Dannon Oikos commercial took the cake on this one. Grant, our account coordinator, would disagree with me though. The Chobani commercial was his favorite of the night.
Microsoft went for a full tear-jerking minute showing us everything that technology can do and is doing to better our lives and advance our well-being. The commercial is narrated by former pro football player Steve Gleason who now lives with ALS. We see Gleason featured in the commercial as well, using a Surface Pro and Tobii’s Eye Glazer technology to communicate with his adorable son. Great success Microsoft!
JIM! I mean John… E-surance took an unconventional route this year. They bought the first spot AFTER the Super Bowl and apparently saved themselves around $1.5 million or 30% of what they would have paid for a $4 million spot during the big game. They then took it to social media saying that anyone who tweeted the hashtag #EsuranceSave30 between the hours of 4pm Sunday and 4am Tuesday would be eligible to win that $1.5 million savings, the largest sum of money ever to be given away on Twitter. Needless to say, college students and other money hungry individuals took to twitter to tweet up a storm for a chance to become an overnight millionaire.
BONUS: One that you probably didn’t see, but should DEFINITELY see now.
Casino’s Law
This one was an office favorite as well. Played only locally in Savannah, Georgia, this “epic 2 minute half time commercial” has been making waves across the nation. Watch it and you will see why.
Didn’t see your favorite commercial on this list? Comment below and let’s discuss.