Why reaching customers online might not be worth your time
Updated: October 11, 2023
Published: November 30, 2012
Creating website traffic and ultimately conversions into sales are what makes online marketing a viable service.If your web traffic is high, but site visitors have low visiting times, it shows there is something wrong with your website.There is no point to having a high traffic rate, with no end-result.
The question is posed, how do you increase visiting time on your website to convert visitors into a sale?Answer these four questions, and you might find the reason why your website is not converting traffic into sales.
Is your website attractive?
We’ve all seen them — the good, the bad and the ugly.Be in charge of a great website!People are attracted to interesting things.Scrolling images, videos, anything that is simple or in motion will help keep viewers interested.Too much activity can be a problem as well; you must find a comfortable medium.Simple solution: ask around for opinions from people you trust to not sugar coat the results and make the appropriatechanges. Take a look at some examples of our website designs here.
Do you know what your customers are searching for?
Keywords are great to know, and yes, Google AdWords is a great tool to utilize. Don’t make the mistake by not using this information to your advantage! You should tailor your website for the best terms related to your business – based on search totals and competition among keywords. More importantly, go in-depth on your analytics. Find out where people are coming from, and why there are doing so. Fine tune your website to help out your viewers.
Tailor your website for the best terms related to your business. Click to tweet.
What are you selling, and is the answer clearly shown on your website?
When you search for something on the internet, you search for terms, not a company name (more than likely). You are searching for content. When someone lands on a page from your site, is their question being answered? Viewers are not going to sift through your website unless they sense it will help them out. Answer their question, and provide helpful links to other resources that are related to the specific topic on the page.
Is your website easy to navigate?
Personally, if I visit a website that is not laid out in a way for me to navigate easily, I’m leaving. There are some set standards to web design. Having a website shaped in an F-like pattern is one of these standards in web (Though rare, some standards are meant to be broken in specific situations). Homepages aren’t as big of an issue and can involve a more creative viewing experience, but interior pages are a necessity to conform to the F-letter style. People read left to right, your website should be easily read in this way. This will make it easier for customers to navigate, and will hopefully lead to longer stay times on webpages and more visits throughout the site.
Bottom line:
It’s all about ease of use, how useful your content is and if you have a call-to-action. At each page give the most relevant information on top followed by details (yes, I just referenced the inverted pyramid). Put yourself in the mindset of the customer – what would make a customer want to visit your site; what information are they looking for? One last thought to ponder, maybe your customers are visiting your site via tablet or mobile device. Do you know what your website looks like on these devices? Look it up, and consider developing a responsive design website. Following these tips can help your website and business succeed.
What strategies have you used, or seen that have been effective to increase website visitor time? Please comment below!