Non-profit Organizations Using Social Media to Promote Their Cause

Author: Lori Highby

Updated: October 11, 2023

Published: June 11, 2012

What easier way to inform a large variety of people about a certain cause than to do it with just the click of a button. Non-profit organizations have actively been using Social Media sites to promote their causes, while also sparking conversations on the topic among followers. Social Media sites not only allow non-profit organizations to reach a large audience, but they also allow the general public the opportunity and the steps to take action if they wish to support the cause.

Not sure about the latest news on your favorite nonprofit group? No need to worry, chances are they are tweeting about it right now. Let’s take a look at some of the top non-profit organizations making an impact on the Twitter world.

1. American Red Cross

The American Red Cross currently has over 700,000 followers on Twitter. This non-profit organization tweets day-to-day updates on disasters happening around the world, information on how to stay safe when disasters occur, comforting words for those experiencing these disasters, and ways you can help those in need.

2. American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society currently has almost 300,000 followers on Twitter. Working towards saving lives, this non-profit organization tweets about the importance of staying healthy, ways to accomplish a healthy lifestyle, support for those who currently have cancer or those who have survived it, remembrance for those lost to cancer, and what you can do to support the cause.

3. The Humane Society

The Humane Society of the United States currently has about 120,000 followers on Twitter and isn’t afraid to tweet. With over 12,000 tweets, the Humane Society aims to inform followers on animal cruelty, ways to help stop it, and ways to support the cause. In addition, the Humane Society re-tweets many of its followers, answering questions or giving recognition to anyone who has taken action to support the cause.

A study done by Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, found that 92 percent of the top 50 non-profits are utilizing at least one Social Media site. Newmark found that the amount of net income a non-profit organization has does not directly correlate to the number of followers they have. Followers of these organizations are more concerned with the quality of the organization and the information it provides rather than quantity, their net income. PBS is at the top of the list when it comes to the number of followers a non-profit organization has on Twitter, with almost 1,200,000. On the contrary, they are ranked 29th on the income list. If non-profit organizations wish to make they’re presence known on Social Media sites, they need to focus on the quality of the information they provide and not simply depend on their income and power to attract followers.

Non-profit organizations can improve their presence on Social Media sites with these few tips:

  • Connect with Followers: The Humane Society has a specific team that works to answer every comment and question on their Facebook. Connecting with followers on a personal level makes them feel like their voice is being heard and their support is important to the cause; This encourages followers to continue with helping the cause, while also promoting it to others.
  • Use Visuals: Did you know that 65 percent of the population can be characterized as visual learners? Social Media sites allow non-profit organizations to not only write about what they are doing, but to show it too. Followers can really comprehend the progress of the organization through images and videos.
  • Use More than Just One Social Media Site: Non-profit organizations should use more than just one Social Media site in order to reach a larger audience. It is important to link all of these sites together, allowing followers easy navigation from site to site.

Have you seen any non-profit organizations trending on the Social Media sites you use? Live Below the Line is an international challenge and social media campaign whose goal is to inform people on extreme poverty. The challenge is to live on a budget of $1.50 per day for five days. Celebrities Josh Groban and Hugh Jackman are just a few of the 25,000 who have already participated in this challenge. Participants are encouraged to seek out sponsors and raise funds for the cause. Social Media sites have played a crucial role in spreading the word about Live Below the Line. Live Below the Line asks participants to talk about their experience during the challenge on their personal Social Media sites and even change their profile pictures to the Live Below the Line logo. Could you eat for $1.50 a day for five days?

How many non-profit organizations are you following on Social Media sites? Has their presence on Social Media sites affected your participation in a certain cause? Comment below and let us know!