4 Tips for Finding Creative Solutions for Your Clients

Author: Lori Highby

Updated: October 11, 2023

Published: March 5, 2012

With advancements in technology Internet marketing brings new challenges on a daily basis. This requires the resourcefulness, creativity, flexibility, and inspiration to step out of your comfort zone and find a solution.

Although this post isn’t giving you a golden ticket to solving all Internet marketing issues, it is important to remember that the Internet doesn’t have a definitive end. It doesn’t have boundaries, and your opportunities for solutions are limitless.

So here are four great pieces of simple advice that we want to share.

1. Educate Yourself – Although you may only be a specialist in SEO, for example, the Google Analytics specialist out there has written a blog post that you can gain information on. When you are faced with a problem to solve, head over to Google and open up several blog posts from different time periods and begin reading them. Compile the helpful hints from each of them and use your new knowledge on the topic to help find a solution.

Google logo.

2. Use Your Team – Our office respects the value of pulling together a team brainstorming session. We bring everyone (developers, designers, social media specialists, and account reps) together to discuss ideas and solutions. It is amazing the different perspectives that come out of conversation. Often an outsider’s perspective on your topic of expertise can be the solution to the problem at hand.

3. Coffee – The time-tested solution for all of us hard workers out there. This is a simple one, but sometimes it takes getting up and smelling the beans to get that creativity going.

Cup of coffee.

4. Write Down Your Ideas Outside of Work – If you are anything like our staff you really don’t turn off at five o’clock. Our eyes may be watching Netflix at 8:00 pm but our brains are still somewhat attached to that project. If a good idea or thought comes to mind, pull out your phone and send yourself a short email note about your idea. If you do this over a weekend or whenever an idea comes up, each time you come into the office you will have a great list of fresh ideas to work from. Some of my best ideas and thoughts have come while I was on a long drive or playing some sort of sport.

Hopefully, this is a good afternoon read for anyone and it gives a fresh perspective on being an expert in your field. Use all of these tips, a couple of them, or whatever. Also if you have any other good ideas please post them in the comments below and let us know.