4 Ways to Utilize Virtual Reality in Marketing

Author: Lori Highby

Updated: October 11, 2023

Published: February 26, 2016

It’s the 21st century now, and although we don’t have all the devices portrayed in popular sci-fi movies, we do have self-driving cars, smart devices we can talk to, and most popular as of late, virtual reality devices. Virtual reality puts you in a computer generated real-time environment that allows the user to interact with actual movements. If this sounds like a totally different world to you, you’re right! VR promises to be the next big platform for top tier engagement, and holds plenty of opportunity for creative marketers.

Here we’ll go over four ways you can hope to utilize this incredible technology:

1. Product experiences

Virtual reality devices put a whole new spin on the “try before you buy” aspect. It’s excellent if you have a new product; it can spark excitement for future consumers and eliminate doubts they may have. It’s a good way to bring your product to the people. Virtual reality lets consumers test out a specific product. For example, Volvo has used virtual reality to allow potential consumers test drive their cars.

2. Location-based Experiences

Along with products, virtual reality also brings consumers to various locations. You get an example of an experience at a different location. Through virtual reality, you can walk through a new or popular amusement park: feel the excitement through the laughter and screams and witness the thrilling rides up close. Marriot Hotels have used virtual reality to bring people to their locations across the country. It’s an excellent means of letting possible customers experience what you can provide for them.

3. Educational experiences

You can gain an educational experience through virtual reality as well. Utilizing it gives your consumers a behind the scenes look and lets them see how products are made. Hacienda Patrón has used virtual reality to guide consumers through their tequila distillery. Consumers can also get tours of homes for sale or rent, as well as potential schools to attend. There are virtual tours of homes on websites currently, but virtual reality devices give consumers a better feel when walking through the house themselves.

4. Event Experiences

Virtual reality devices can also give people a taste of certain events, such as a sports game or a theatre. They can have a view from the best seat in the stadium and get to see everything up close and personal. The NBA is already taking advantage of virtual reality to allow global fans experience their games.

Digital marketing changes every year, and new technology helps with that. New technology offers marketers a whole new aspect on presenting their brand to the public, and these devices actually bring them to life. VR is sure to be that next piece of technology that takes digital marketing to new heights.

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