New Site Launched:

Author: Lori Highby

Updated: October 11, 2023

Published: December 3, 2008

We recently launched a new site –

This site falls under our packaged website category. Simply put, a 5 page web site that showcases the clients services, offers links to assist his clientele with information related to his services, a quote request form, and a contact form. Blaze Marketing Services specializes in direct mail campaigns offering services in list acquisition, design, mailing and printing. This website was HTML hand-coded (not a copy and paste from a software program). The site uses CSS (cascading style sheets) for search engine friendliness and reflects the message and image Blaze Marketing Services portrays with a friendly, welcoming touch.

Packaged websites by Keystone Click include:

content and images flowed into pages
2 unique home page design concepts that represent your image
one secondary page design
one programmed contact us form (name, email, phone, comments) sent to the email address of your choice

Visit Blaze Marketing Services at