Episode 23 – The Death of Responsive Design and Social Advertising Changes
Updated: October 11, 2023
Published: February 1, 2017
With time comes major changes in both design and marketing and the past few years have been no exception. From widely adopted design techniques to common social advertising practices, everything is beginning to get turned onto its head. Join Min and Matt as they explore the
The Death of Responsive Design [2:30]Micro Moments with Google [5:15]
Social Advertising Changes [12:20]LinkedIn Advertising Changes [12:30]
SnapChat Advertising Changes [15:20]
Facebook Advertising Changes [16:10]
The Death of Responsive Design
With the wide adoption of mobile devices, many design practices have changed dramatically in the past few years. One of the most widely used tactics of mobile optimization is responsive design however, the term itself may be airing close to dead. Min explores the subject to see the implications for the future!
“I’ve been reading a lot of articles lately that have been titled things like, responsive design is dead or, web design is dead.” -Min
“At this point, if your site isn’t responsive, it’s already too late. When we create websites, we always include responsive designs as a standard.” -Min
“Web design is moving more toward AI so designers need to start focusing on experiences more than just the design itself.” -Min
“Content is starting to adapt to platforms so you can have different content on mobile devices than on desktop and really customize the experience in that way.” -Min
“Everything has become so seamless, if someone’s hairdryer breaks they quickly jump on Google and search ‘Best Hairdryer’ and without even leaving her house she’s bought one regardless of her favorite brand.” -Min
“SEO has really been formatted by the idea of micro moments, blogs are written as listicles more often than not because everyone searches ‘the best’ something. Everything that comes up on those searches will be ‘the top 5 or top 7 somethings’” -Matt
“People are actually more likely to click on blog posts with odd numbers so, titles like ‘The top 5’ or ‘The top 11’ will bring more clicks than ‘The top 4’” -Matt
Social Advertising Changes
Recently, many of the large social media companies have started to roll out major changes to their advertising platforms that will impact marketers everywhere. From better targeting to new locations, Matt breaks down all the changes.
“LinkedIn has partnered with DataSift to start getting better targeting data and allow for more targeted advertising.” -Matt
“The reason LinkedIn is so powerful because it’s great for B2B marketing. It’s a professional network, it’s all owners and employees and you can get directly to the business at times” -Matt
“SnapChat will begin collecting data to begin targeting ads based on your consumption of data. They said they’re going to try to keep it broad form targeting but it’s still up in the air” -Matt
“Facebook will now be displaying ads in Messenger, right underneath all of your online friends.” -Matt
“As ad platforms continue to develop, especially in the case of Facebook, I think we’re going to see ad location as a major form of targeting.” -Matt
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