Updated: October 10, 2023
Published: December 6, 2017
The holidays are upon us and soon the end of 2017 will be too! There have been so many innovations in tech, marketing, and design over the past 12 months that we can’t help but get excited about what’s to come in 2018! Earlier this week, Keystone Click put out a list of all our digital predictions for the upcoming year. Rai and Kyle go through the predictions and provide their take. We’d love to hear your opinion as well! For all the latest on technology, marketing, and design, tune in every Monday for the Digital Natives Podcast.
Keystone Click’s 2018 Digital Predictions [2:50]
Digital Predictions
We asked our co-workers what they thought were going to be the biggest changes in the digital space in 2018 and they delivered! From social media to the fate of net neutrality, we received a ton of great answers that got us thinking. Rai and Kyle discuss these predictions one at a time and award them the coveted green checkmark if the prediction is a good one. Will otters truly become the new sloth? Let us know in the comments or by tweeting us @DgtlNativesCast!
“Over 2017, we’ve seen Google put more emphasis on what they put in that rich snippet. So, they’ve been changing from like 2 sentences to almost a whole paragraph sometimes.” – Kyle
“There’s a lot of great software out there that helps you determine ROI, but at the end, you have to know how to determine that for yourself.” -Rai
“I definitely agree with you that Facebook is getting its fingers into everything right now. Soon it’s going to be your one-stop shop for everything social.” – Rai
“Ashley kind of agrees with Min and in hers, she says that websites will become more interactive and engaging. And she’s specifically referring to animation and motion UI. I’m to the point where I could use some spicing up on the internet!” – Kyle
“My prediction is that Snapchat won’t really be a thing anymore going into 2018. If you haven’t heard, they’re doing a complete redesign of the Snapchat app. After all their financial trouble, they have to do something drastic.” – Rai
“This may be the most controversial of all of the predictions… Liz thinks that otters will become the new sloth.” – Rai
Note: The human-like robot AI that Kyle (and everyone else) is talking about is called Sophia and she’s AMAZING.
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